A trademark is a word, symbol, slogan, product or packaging that helps the public to identify the source of a specific product and distinguishes that product from others in the marketplace. Trademarks are therefore an important asset because they are a representation of your company's good will in the minds of consumers.
We will evaluate the strength and availability of a mark, handle all aspects of the trademark application process (including preparing all necessary documentation and responding to USPTO Office Actions and Refusals), update our clients of all steps required to maintain their registration, and aggressively protect our client's trademark rights post-registration.
Please contact us for more information about our trademark practice.
We will evaluate the strength and availability of a mark, handle all aspects of the trademark application process (including preparing all necessary documentation and responding to USPTO Office Actions and Refusals), update our clients of all steps required to maintain their registration, and aggressively protect our client's trademark rights post-registration.
Please contact us for more information about our trademark practice.